Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Climate Strikes and Climate Forums as the Climate Changes
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
We bring back climate science researchers: Kimberly Duong (UCI) and Gianna Lum (Columbia University). Joining them will be the new UCI President of Climatepedia, Patricia Haigh, to herald a huge season of youthful grassroots climate activism, as organizers gather in New York in advance of Greta Thunberg’s much anticipated UN address and the September 20th Global Climate Strike. As their part of these forums, they will host "Irvine Climate Resilience" 9-20, 10 a.m. at Culver Drive-Alton Parkway. Climatepedia continues to post climatememes on Instagram. Find them on: https://strikewithus.org and on their social media.
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