Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
”Forever Changed” AND CA High Speed Rail Updates
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
Sarah Butts, 3rd year MFA directing student at UCI, has cut from whole cloth her brand new play entitled, "Forever Changed." Many of you will recognize the mothers whose loss of a child is the material upon which this intimate play is based. The play will be staged at Studio 4 at UCI's Claire Trevor of the Arts April 29th and 30th at 7 p.m, and May 1st at 3 pm at New Horizon School at 1 Truman Street in Irvine. Tickets to this free event are available on a reserved basis at: http://illuminations.uci.edu/events/. April 30 and May 1st performances will be followed by panel discussions. During the second half, Southern California director of CA High Speed Rail, Michelle Boehm returns to the show to talk finance, what the recent public meetings are saying, and what society gets out of investment in infrastructure. Follow the steady progress being made on this project at: http://www.hsr.ca.gov/