Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
In-Prison UC Education Is Coming And ”Pan-Damn It!”
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
In the first segment, Keramet Reiter returns to the show to talk about UCI’s launching the first in-prison BA completion program in the UC system. Professor Reiter, at both UCI’s Dept. of Criminology, Law, and Society and UCI’s Law School, with 20 years of experience in teaching in prisons, explains how many of California’s institutions are positioned to pull off this program with huge dividends for the individual and the community. In the second segment (min 30:57), emblazoned on the Ask A Leader marquis, is Kyung Hyun Kim’s fresh as can be, play for this moment, Pan-Damn-It! UCI professor of Humanities and screenwriter Kyung Hyun Kim; and co-directors Jane Page, UCI director and professor at UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts, and Gavin Cameron-Webb independent director - talk about Pan-Damn-It!, Kim’s original screenplay to be performed as a Live Zoom play reading on 11/15, 4-5:30 pm PT. Information on the play and how to get your free tickets is available at: https://illuminations.uci.edu/events/2020_11_15_Pan_Damn_It.html Music credits: Greg Foat, “Symphonie Pacifique;” Walt Wagner Trio, “Trajectory,” Facade - album; and Illum Sphere, “Thousand Yard Stare,” Glass - album.