Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Today we crowd three plus hours worth of civics in under 1 hour! There won’t be a quiz after the show, but voters must complete all their ballots, which includes these two races. First, Randall Crane, Professor Emeritus at UCLA’s Luskin School of Public Affairs and Irvine resident, is running in Division 5 of the Municipal Water District of Orange County. In the second segment (minute 35:13), Branda Lin, co-founder of Irvine Watchdog, this time dons her candidate hat, in her bid to run for Mayor of Irvine. She is one of 4 candidates challenging the incumbent mayor. Music credits: Chimora, “African Americano,” Sounds of Africa- album; Bill Beach, “Aqua de Beber,” Letting Go – album; Magwinya, “Magwinya Mangola neWhite Liver,” Spaza – album.