Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
”Notorious RBG in Song” AND Arab American Civic Council Visits D.C. and Nuance
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Soprano/composer Patrice Michaels and Cedille Records founder/producer James Ginsburg take up their knowing collaboration about the Supreme Court's Ruth Bader Ginsburg, celebrated on new album - 'Notorious RBG in Song'. Follow http://www.patricemichaels.com/ for details on performances near you or http://www.cedillerecords.org/albums/notorious-rbg-in-song for a listen. In the second segment (min 29:37), Rashad al Dabbagh, as a member of the Arab American Civic Council reports back on getting to know members of Congress over his recent trip to D.C. Breaking news around this broadcast may be a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Muslim Ban. The deadline for the Fellowships with the National Network for Arab American Communities is 6/23/18. Details on press releases and gatherings in anticipation of the SCOTUS ruling on the federal Muslim Ban are available at: https://aaciviccouncil.org/.