Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
People’s Climate March in Our Backyard AND
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
On the heels of last Saturday's March for Science, Roger Gloss and Carl Mariz, activists with the local UN Sustainable Cities chapter, promote the local People’s Climate Action's events on April 29. Information about 9-4 pm program is available at:http://occlimateaction.org/ and http://rogergloss.com/ Then (min 26:15 )on to this year’s Clare Trevor School of the Arts’ season’s theme “ Them." UCI Drama professor Daphne Lei and director/Ph.D. candidate Ricardo Rocha will discuss their upcoming play "I Dream of Cheng and Eng," with some special features and some firsts. The play will run at the Robert Cohen Theater from 4/29-May 7. Tickets are available at the UCI Box Office 949-824-2787. In addition to the talk backs scheduled on 4/30 and 5/5, is the special forum on 5/6, "Thrive in Difference: An Interdisciplinary Conference" : http://medicalhumanities.uci.edu/event/thriving-difference-symposium/ for which reservations are necessary.