Tuesday May 02, 2017
Reza Aslan Visits Inclusion U AND 45’s 103rd Day AND Coup de Comedy’s 5th Annual
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Reza Aslan, an internationally renowned religion writer and scholar, speaks today 5/2, at the Barclay about Islamophobia. Douglas Haynes, UCI Professor of History and Provost for Academic Equity, Diversity & Inclusion covers his organization's goals and how Aslan will addresses them. The talk will be at 6-7:30 p.m., followed by a book signing. Information about reservations (still available at this writing) is available at: http://inclusion.uci.edu/. Next, Matthew Beckmann, UCI scholar on the American presidency considers 45’s 103 days in office. He has much to say about what has not already been said. The last guests, Joel Veenstra of UCI's Clare Trevor School of the Arts and Theresa Robbins Dudeck Chapman University Theater professor, present their super-charged program Coup de Comedy here at UCI and Chapman University May 10-13. Details for associated workshops and performances are available at: https://improvrevolution.org/