Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
The first guest is respected member in the green chemistry community Martin Mulvihill, who heads up SaferMade, https://www.safermade.net, an organization keenly involved in what goes into the products we literally consume. Essential certifications and other sources covered include: Environmental Work Group, Toxic Use Reduction Institute, MadeSafe, Skin Deep, Safe Charter, and Safe Choice. Consumers and activists are now armed to raise their game in the market place as well as the regulatory arenas. The second segment (minute 33:43), John Spiak, Director Chief Curator of the Grand Central Art Center in beautiful downtown Santa Ana, brings compelling installations, events and programs to our attention. It's located at 125 N Broadway, S.A. Call 714-567-7233 or go to: http://www.grandcentralartcenter.com/ for all postings of current and future delights.