Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Start Your Pitching Engines AND 314 Action and Your Planet
Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Jared Ruth, Director of Field Marketing for California at Cox Business, considers the entrepreneurial domain in our local economy. He also posts essential the details about Cox’s "Get Started OC" an entrepreneur competition, open to the public, in Irvine (AV Building 16500 Scientific Way) on April 26, 6-9 p.m. Details are available at: http://www.coxblue.com/getstartedoc/. UCI astrophysics and cosmology professor Dr. Kevork Abazajian, speaks in his capacity as California coordinator and Board Member for 314 Action (http://www.314action.org/). His efforts to explain elaborate issues about our climate to Members of Congress, provide an exemplary model for constituents to become involved in consequential policy making. Upcoming related events include: March for Science (4/22/17-https://www.marchforscience.com/) and People's Climate Science March (4/29/17- https://peoplesclimate.org/).