Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Teachable Moments in the Dog Days of 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Amidst one of the strangest election seasons that this country has experienced, we devote the full hour to Davin Phoenix, UCI political science professor with his reflections on all the identity politics that has taken place since we discussed his book "The Anger Gap; How Race Shapes Emotions in Politics," last January. Davin's book examines both the causes of anger and the consequences. Pointing to black Americans’ tempered expectations of politics and the stigmas associated with black anger, it shows how race and lived experience moderate the emergence of emotions and their impact on behavior. Accompanying this interview is a list of scholars who have weighed in on the Biden/Harris ticket and the meaning of it for diverse constituencies of color: Nadia Brown, Danielle Lemi, Sarah Sadwhani, Keneishia Grant, and Cheryl Laird. Music credits: Greg Foat, “Symphonie Pacifique”; Stanley Turrentine, “Junebug”, If I Could album.