Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
The Legacy of Liu Xiaobo in 21st Century China
Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
The whole hour is devoted to guests Richard Madsen, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at U.C. San Diego; and Dr. Sean Lin media professional and activist. We will start with 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Liu Xiaobo, who was forbidden by his government from accepting his award, and who succumbed July 13th to liver cancer while imprisoned. His wife Liu Xia was during her husband’s detention and is currently under house arrest. Both Madsen and Lin will take up the political and cultural contexts in China today, as they examine the tension between “ restless” constituents' desire for connection and their reliance on government stability and predictability. The hope is to resume this discussion with Professor Madsen and Dr. Lin taking up the path that the current leader of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping is taking this country amidst the leadership vacuum elsewhere. Of interest among Professor Madsen's fascinating publications are "Restless China" and "China and the American Dream." Listeners can tune into Dr. Lin's radio station in Rockville, MD at: https://radio-locator.com/info/WQER-FL .