Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
”The Tantrum That Saved The World” And Who DO We Think We Are?
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Megan Herbert, illustrator and TV writer, has collaborated with Climate Scientist Michael Mann on a book explaining climate change to young earthlings; it’s entitled The Tantrum That Saved the World. She talks about how she settled on what message for such a delicate age and all ages and audiences. e-books and conventional books can be ordered on: https://www.worldsavingbooks.com/. This community radio station anxiously awaits her eventual trek to Southern California. In the second segment (min 26:17), UCI Humanities professor Jeff Wasserstrom returns to the show, posting us on what we can look forward to at the 4th annual Forum for Academy and the Public, presented by the UCI Humanities and Law Schools, and the Los Angeles Review of Books. The forum themed “Who Do We Think We Are? – American Identity and the Ideal of Democracy in the 21st Century,” will be hosted at the UCI Law School, 2/9-10; it is free and open to the public. Details available at: http://sites.uci.edu/americanidentity/.