Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
The Wayward Artist Thrives AND Immersive, Contemplative Art Drives
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
In the time honored ritual, AAL turns to culture to close out the holidays and the year. Today’s guests cover both rich and abundant offerings in our community. Craig Tyrl, artistic director of The Wayward Artist productions in Santa Ana, and a member of the faculty of the Cal State Fullerton University Dept of Theater and Dance, pivots and persists in the creative process during the pandemic and beyond. In the final segment of AAL in 2020 (minute 24:53), is local artist with international acclaim, Elizabeth Turk. She considers her immersive projects on Laguna Beach and in Pomona, CA, as well as her current installation at the Southern California Art Projects and Exhibitions The Air We Breathe: Covid Diaries. Music credits: Music credits: Greg Foat, “Symphonie Pacificue”; Salsa Celtica, “Auld Ang Syne”; “Gabriel’s Oboe” from The Mission (composed by Ennio Morricone 11/10/28-6/6/20)